Saturday, August 23, 2014

Assisted Suicide: Destination Switzerland

Assisted Suicide: Destination Switzerland

Many citizens of various countries who are considering assisted suicide have set their destination to Switzerland. Travelers from the United Kingdom, Germany and even some from the United States are making their final trek to seek help in ending their lives.

Big Fat Lies - a review

Big Fat Lies by David Gillespie 'Big Fat Lies - How the Diet Industry Makes You Sick, Fat and Poor' is by an Australian lawyer, David Gillespie. He was fat, and he wanted to be thinner, but found, like so many of us, that diets don't work. So he started researching the subject. As he says, he may no ...

Western Europe | Week Three

Nothing makes me feel more like a peasant than being in Europe. Walkin' through the streets with my fugly green jacket on (#hobostatus) to admire the ultra sophisticated super insanely gorgeous architecture, and grimacing at the prices of everything (REALLY SWITZERLAND, YOU'RE GOING TO CHARGE ME 7-I ...

Apple Expands Volume Purchase Program to More Countries

Apple has announced the expansion of its Volume Purchase Program to more countries. The Volume Purchase Program is expanding to include the following territories: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwa ...

What To Write About

I want to write something but I can't think what I should write. I want to write about Jon Mouradian, and how I drove all the way to Winchester today to go to his shop, getting lost along the way, of course, because I always get lost when I drive anywhere but actually in the city. How I sat in traff ...


We left Paris at 8am and headed to Lucerne, Switzerland. This was a rather long drive because the coach driver has mandatory stops and there was also traffic so we didn't roll into Switzerland until 7pm! Our hotel was neat because it was a jail originally that was converted to a hotel. They kept the ...

bonitavista: Zermatt, Switzerland photo via logandtimber

> bonitavista: Zermatt, Switzerland photo via logandtimber

Fall Trip BOOKED!!

Yahoo! Never have I been so excited about a trip! Ok, that is a lie. My first trip abroad I was probably more excited. And my first study abroad, more excited. Our first move abroad. Our second move abroad. Everything in between. Ok ok ok... however, I just SO need some time away and am really looki ...

Je parle un peu de français

If you are reading this, you already know me. And you also likely know that I have made some weird decisions in my life. Sometimes, though, these decisions pay off. For example, when all of my friends took Spanish in High School (we did live in L.A., after all…it seemed the natural choice), I took F ...

The Geneva Convention Is 150 Years Old Today

On 22 August 1864, many European states congregated in Geneva, Switzerland, and signed the First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. ~~~~~ The 1864 Geneva Convention was signed at a critical period in European political and mi ...

VB webinar: how to go global and double your market reach using technology

SPONSORED POST Image Credit: Pixabay >The Internet has made (almost) everything possible.< p> It was once the case that if you wanted to build a multinational business, you’d have to employ people, find offices, and “set up shop” in every country you thought would make a good target market. At th ...

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